It is finals week and I am trying my best to be the studious person I know I can be. After Thursday I am done with my first year at NYU and the summer begins. One of my main goals for the summer is to update this blog more frequently. It is easy to fall into the grips of laziness and to let the lack of motivation keep you from accomplishing your goals but I plan to learn to combat these obstacles this summer. I want to thank all of you that read my blog and leave comments.
Keep reading, there is more to come :-)
love your blog :) I especially love all the Chanel info you have up- the posts about the runway shows with the sequin eye makeup- robin blue nail polish- in love!! Also adore the above ad! You seem to like Chanel and I have a blog about everything Chanel, you should def check it out- u might be interested.
Thank you, yes I do love Chanel :-) I'll definitely check your blog out, thanks for following!
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