Over the years my collection quickly expanded to the 8 polishes I have now. They are proudly displayed on my bookshelf where I can marvel at the pristine packaging and beautiful colors. Each bottle holds a special story of its acquisition. Whenever I look at my bottle of Black Satin I remember how I ran frantically through my local mall to every department store looking for this highly coveted shade until I finally arrived at Lord and Taylor where I was able to put my name on a waiting list. I can't forget how I acquired my bottle of Gold Fiction; thanks to a very friendly sales associate I had the bottle shipped from the Beverly Hills Bloomingdales to my dorm.

Even though I know that every season there will be a new color that I MUST have, my heart will always be devoted to my first love, Vamp. This color was originally featured on the Chanel runway in 1994 where it received a significant amount of publicity. Chanel took advantage of this publicity and released Vamp, a strikingly dark crimson color that mirrored the shade seen on the runway. During the first year of its debut Chanel sold 1 million dollars worth of this cult favorite nail polish. The shade sold out everywhere and its elusive nature made it even more desirable. The waiting list grew to more than a thousand women long. The color was even featured on Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction which increased the hype.
I had been wearing Vamp for a few years before learning of it's European equivalent Rouge Noir. At first I failed to pay much attention to this shade because I thought it was identical to Vamp but I soon learned that Rouge Noir was made with a black base which Vamp lacked. This base allowed it to be darker and richer than the Vamp that I had loved for years. The shade was virtually the color of dried blood and Vamp's shimmery undertone looked feeble next to this powerful hue. I longed for this polish but I soon found out that it was only available in Europe. I sadly gave up my quest but anytime I saw this shade in a gift set my desire was renewed. However, I couldn't bring myself to pay around $60 for 3 polishes when I really only wanted Rouge Noir.
I began to think that Rouge Noir and I weren't meant to be until something miraculous happened last week. I was sifting through my email when my eyes came across an email from Chanel.com advertising Les Noirs De Chanel. I clicked my way to a page featuring 3 lipstick and 3 nail polishes that were inspired by Coco Chanel's love of the color black. There it was, Rouge Noir, the nail polish that I had lusted after for years available for purchase in the U.S. Never have I typed my credit card number so fast. Two days later my desire became a reality, I tore open the gift wrapped box to reveal the shade that I had been relentlessly coveting, it was just as immaculate as I imagined it would be.

After getting a manicure with my newly acquired prize I felt that familiar high that keeps my love of Chanel nail polish alive. I stared at my striking dark blood red nails and felt the distinct sense of gratification that comes with a fresh manicure. The feeling of contentment filled my body and the dreary day seemed so much brighter.
For now my addiction is satiated but it's only a matter of time before the vicious cycle begins again. A new color will be released, the desire will be reignited, and the ruthless acquistion will commence. I can hardly wait :-).
source : Color Stories
ahh vamp was always my favorite!
yess! I'm glad other people share my love for it :-)
I see your nail collection!! you have all the colors I love~ (too bad I could not find Gold fiction anymore! =[ )
aww you have good taste :-) , yea that gold fiction was a hard find !
FYI, in October, Chanel will be releasing Jade. The mint green polish that the models were wearing for the fall collection!
I predict this will become your next lemming!!!!
thank you for that golden piece of information! that definitely will be !
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